Monday, May 26, 2014

Type 2 Diabetes - Preventing Amputation of Your Lower Limbs

Type 2 Diabetes - Preventing Amputation of Your Lower Limbs

Two of the most feared complications of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes has to be gangrene and bone infection. Both conditions can lead to toe, foot, or leg amputation. In 2006 about 65,700 surgical lower limb amputations were performed, more than 60 percent of them in people with diabetes.

Gangrene consists of dead tissue caused by lack of blood circulation. Damaged blood vessels caused by...

unstable and high blood sugar levels,
infection, or
can lead to poor circulation, especially to the legs and feet. Lack of oxygen and nutrients to the cells can result in their death.

Infection of the legs and feet is also a danger for people with diabetes. Poor circulation does not allow enough white blood cells to enter the lower limbs to fight off infection. High blood sugar levels provide food for bacteria.

Researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, United States, compared rates of lower limb amputation in people with Type 2 diabetes with various levels of blood sugar control. Their study, reported in the journal Diabetes Care in July 2013, included...

35,368 people with Type 2 diabetes.
After about 7 years,

578 new cases of lower limb amputation were found.
HbA1c's were clearly related to the chances of amputation. Compared to participants with HbA1c levels below 6 percent, those with

HbA1c's of 7.0 to 7.9 percent had a 73 percent greater chance of lower limb amputation.
Diabetics with HbA1c levels of over 10 per cent had more than three times the risk of amputation as those with HbA1c levels below 6 percent.
From this information it was concluded there was an association between blood sugar control and the risk of lower limb amputation.

HbA1c levels measure sugar in the red blood cells. Since red blood cells live about 120 days, these levels indicate blood sugar control over a period of about three months.

To keep your HbA1c levels low, first...

eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and
stay away from refined sugar.
Eating foods with a high amount of fiber slow down absorption of carbohydrates, helping to keep blood sugar levels low.


get enough exercise.
Aerobic exercises are best. Plan a sensible course of diet and exercise with your doctor.

In addition to controlling blood sugar,

stop smoking or do not start. Not smoking is a good idea for anyone, but it is particularly important for anyone with diabetes.
keep your feet clean and dry and wear well-fitting shoes and socks.
keep toenails short and have a podiatrist trim them if you are not able to see your toenails clearly or reach them easily.
report any blisters, sores, discoloration, or discharge to your doctor promptly.
If infection or gangrene does start, nip it in the bud promptly to avoid amputation.

Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. By making simple changes to your daily routine, its possible to protect your heart, kidneys, eyes and limbs from the damage often caused by high blood sugar levels, and eliminate many of the complications you may already experience.

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The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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