Thursday, May 14, 2009

Diabetes Reversal - A Natural Cure For Diabetes

Diabetes Reversal - A Natural Cure For Diabetes

Diabetes reversal has been a very popular subject lately! Though there is no announced cure for both types of diabetes, there are many diabetes experts claiming that a natural cure for diabetes is possible. And it might be simpler than you think.

Unfortunately, pharmaceutical companies are still convinced that insulin is the best treatment for diabetes. However, thousands of sufferers cure themselves each year.

How are they doing it? By the end of this article, you will have learned 5 ways to naturally reverse diabetes and eventually cure it.

Why a Natural Cure is Right around the Corner?

Diabetes is quite possibly an epidemic! In America alone, almost 1 in 10 people have been diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, our 21st century westernized diet is not helping the cause.

However, if you travel north of the United States to a country called Greenland, you will find just the opposite. Researchers once found an Eskimo tribe which had almost no cases of developed diabetes. In fact, about 1 in every 2000 people would be considered 'borderline' or diagnosed.

And because our bodies are nothing shy of miraculous, you may be able to reverse diabetes with a healthier life and different diet. Here are some basic tips you need to try to wean yourself off of insulin.

Diabetes Reversal Tips

1. You should immediately start to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water acts a flusher of the body and begins to make it run more effectively. Healthier cells are also a byproduct of always staying hydrated. Men should drink at least 12 cups a day and women should drink at least 9 cups.

2. You should also look at your diet differently. For instance, you obviously know that sugar is not healthy for your diet. Therefore, you should begin to wean yourself off of carbohydrates which will eliminate a lot of sugar content.

3. You should be trying to eat plenty of protein. Protein is necessary for cell membrane repair which can be responsible for the cells beginning to accept insulin again. Eating a diet that is high in protein is great for your body but even better for your diabetes. Foods rich in protein are meats, dairy, nuts, seafood and soy.

4. Exercising is extremely important because exercise helps create healthier cells that are not diabetic prone. Did you know that your body makes almost 100,000 new cells in a matter of seconds? The goal of your new lifestyle would be to create healthier cells!

5. Vegetables are a great snack which are low in carbohydrates (sugar) and high in fiber which also help flush the body. Vegetables are loaded with minerals and vitamins that are essential for making healthy cells. A good tip would be to buy plenty of fresh vegetable and clean them all up and cut them up for easy access.

Treat Diabetes at Home

These tips are only the tip of the iceberg. Imagine your doctor telling you that you no longer need to take insulin for your diabetes. This could be in 4 weeks with our 100% guaranteed Diabetes Reversal Remedy Report.

Diabetes Reversal

By: Joe Barton
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