Being diagnosed with diabetes usually means adjusting your daily routine and adapting a diabetes management plan. For example, depending on the type of diabetes that you have, you might have to plan your medication to fit in with your meals. That is not necessarily as big an adjustment as it might seem. Most of the time, it will only involve remembering to take your medication before, during or after your meal, provided that your meals are spaced at regular intervals. Treatment and diabetes management is an obvious step in coping with diabetes, but diet and exercise can also have a big role to play.
Diabetes is a health problem in which there is not enough glucose in your blood to regulate your blood sugar levels. There are three main types of diabetes. If you have type 1 diabetes, it means that your body does not create enough insulin to regulate your blood sugar levels. Usually this is because the insulin cells in your pancreas have been destroyed, and your body can no longer produce enough insulin. It is also known as insulin dependent diabetes, as regular insulin injections are currently the only available treatment. Type 1 diabetes rarely occurs after the age of 40.
If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does produce insulin, but it is not used efficiently enough to control your blood sugar levels. It is also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes, as treatment can come in the form of tablets, as well as insulin injections. Diet and exercise have a huge role in controlling type 2 diabetes, and can sometimes control it without the need for other types of treatment. Type 2 diabetes does not usually develop until after the age of 40, although it has been known to occur in people who are much younger than that.
Diabetes can also occur in pregnant women of any age. This is known as gestational diabetes. Although it is mostly only temporary, and will disappear after you have given birth, some women with gestational diabetes will go on to become a type 2 diabetic when they are older.
Your diet can have a big impact on your blood sugar levels and your diabetes management plan. It is important for diabetics to keep their blood sugar levels to an acceptable level - if they are too high or too low, it can cause medical problems. It is vital that you follow a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Cut down on food that contains lots of starch and carbohydrates. Contrary to what you might think, it is actually carbohydrates, not sugar, which have an effect on your blood sugar levels. Any foods that are rich in carbohydrates are going to increase your blood sugar levels so it is essential that you limit the amount of bread, pasta and potatoes that you eat. You should still eat some carbohydrates, but keep an eye on how much. Generally, carbohydrates and starchy foods should be eaten at the start of meals.
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